Now enrolling for our Therapeutic Creative Arts Camp this June and August! Our Dialectical Behavior Therapy Group starts soon! Call 201-409-0393 or email to learn more.



Your Support is Always Appreciated

While the Lukin Center for Psychotherapy is not a 503(c) nonprofit organization, we do receive donations from current and past patients, philanthropic organizations, and research partners.

Here’s how we use donated funds:*

Payment Assistance Fund

Current patients, past clients, and families whose loved ones have found help at the Lukin Center often choose to “pay it forward” by contributing to our Payment Assistance Fund. This fund allows us to offer discretionary, temporary financial assistance to patients facing sudden financial hardship: situations like loss of a job, serious illness, or other circumstances. Our donors help patients ensure they can continue therapeutic services when they need support the most.


The Lukin Center for Psychotherapy is more than a private practice; we actively engage in research and participate in new developments that move the science of mental health forward. We welcome support from clinical partners, individuals, academic institutions and medical collaborators to help us continue our work in the field.

Memorial and honorary gifts are always accepted, and we’ll happily send an acknowledgement at the donor’s request. Please email or call our office for more information about donating to the Lukin Center.

*Donors are always welcome to designate gifts for other areas.